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Discover a Proven System for Deeper Healing & Self Development working with the full Energetic Anatomy of a Human.


Lineage, by definition, means a lineal descent from an ancestor, ancestry, or pedigree. The Modern Mystery School has persisted through time an ancient tradition of sharing knowledge from teacher to student, affirmed by the holy process of initiation.

Learn More or Begin Your Journey

Energetic healing is a powerful practice that focuses on restoring balance and harmony in the body’s energy system. If you’re interested in exploring this and beginning your journey in energetic healing, click the link below.

Benefits of

Energetic Care

Balanced Emotional State

“The quality of my mind/body connection has improved tremendously. As a result, the quality of my life has improved tremendously. It is great working with Dr. Tim! He is an excellent listener and is very compassionate. I know he always has my 'best self' as his priority and focus.”

Clarity Around Life Purpose

“Since working with Dr Tim and taking the Empower Thyself class, I have felt a shift in my energy and a different way I look at life. After receiving the Initiation, I feel I have a much clearer vision on my life’s journey and to embrace the gifts and tools that have been given to me.”

A Life Of Meaning & Fulfillment

“Since starting this process and applying the tools I learned I have seen a shift in my overall energy! I wake up and the first thing I think of is gratitude. I am thankful for the good in my life and look at everything in a more positive light. This could not have been possible without the teachings and guidance from Dr. Tim.”

Healthier & Happier Relationships

“Energetic and spiritual healing has led to many positive changes in my life because once I began to heal, I was able to continue to improve and grow. Now both my relationship with myself and all other relationships in my life have deeply improved too. If you cross paths with Dr. Tim and learn of his spiritual healings, know that it is for a reason. Life is giving you both a gift and opportunity - he is truly an angel on earth. I will forever be grateful for how his work has drastically changed my life for the better.”

Inner Peace & Joy

“I have a lot of positivity around me and find myself more in tune with my spirituality. I have noticed more strength and peace, and I found that when I use my tools, I get a peaceful calm feeling every time. Working with Dr Tim is an insightful learning experience. He is full of positivity and is always there to help you. Besides being helpful, he truly cares about you as a person and your journey and wants you to succeed.”

Ability To Cope Life Challenges / Emotional Resilience

“Since I started working with Dr. Tim, my life has definitely changed for the positive. I realized that the emptiness I used to feel inside was a search for something more and the need for self- love. Doing the private healing sessions and the Empower Thyself Class & Initiation has created a positive shift in my life. I'm so thankful and blessed to have met Dr. Tim and for the opportunity to experience this personal and spiritual growth. I'm excited for what the future holds and I know that he will help and guide me through my journey!”

Reduction in Stress & Anxiety

"I first connected with Dr. Tim at a time I needed to more than ever. Prior to learning about his services of spiritual healing and teaching, I was very disconnected from myself. I was depressed, anxious and burnt out. Since working with Dr. Tim I have learned to be more present- which has helped me connect more deeply with myself and heal wounds that contributed to my depression and anxiety in the first place. Dr. Tim’s services were the first form of healing that actually worked for me. As someone that was once very guarded, I found Dr. Tim to be easy to work with. He is down to earth, humble and open minded. I felt very comfortable in his company and found him to be a safe space."

Learn More or Begin Your Journey

Energetic healing is a powerful practice that focuses on restoring balance and harmony in the body’s energy system. If you’re interested in exploring this and beginning your journey in energetic healing, click the link below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Oftentimes in any kind of healing or deeper work on self, this can be a common question. And just like any form of care that promotes healing and changes in life, we can sometimes be faced with uncertainty about making a decision to move forward. Things are not always clear from the starting point. That is totally fair.


However, haven’t some of the greatest rewards in life come from following the “knowing”...the gut feeling that comes from the heart and moving forward with something even if it feels like some kind of a risk, or requires a commitment to self? It has been our experience individually and from working with others that the greatest rewards in life come from these moments. There can be a challenge attempting to grasp wisdom within metaphysics as it cannot always be analyzed by the educated and “rational” mind. Yet, it is always better understood and felt by the heart after the mind has been quieted.


The beautiful aspect about this type of energetic care is that it is based on an ancient lineage dating back over 3000 years. Thus, it has its history and experience of being a “tried and true” spiritual system in helping others. When you feel it in your heart, and you heed the call that there is something more for you in life, then you start taking these steps for energetic care to healing and to better “Know Thyself.” This is known as “self-initiation.” It is here when a sacred process begins for awesome transformations and changes. And what is so exciting about this dedication and commitment to self is because you “don’t know what you don’t know,” the changes you experience in you and in your life tend to be even more beautiful and joyful than you ever could have imagined. It is important to remember that this is all coming from the gut feeling, from your heart, your divine intuition, your connection to your Higher Self.


Because we don’t know what we don’t know, the discovery consultation is a very important first step to learn more about you, your goals, and how this energetic care may support you in your life.

Consider the following questions. Are you someone who:


  • Is already successful in life and are looking for more tools to get to the next level of success?
  • Feels like you have success in life, but still feels unfilled, that something is missing, and that there is more to life?
  • Desires to better understand yourself, explore your life for deeper meaning and purpose? Is burnt out and always helping others but not yourself?
  • Is unsatisfied with some area of your life, are feeling “stuck,” and are looking to heal and grow beyond?
  • Struggles to hold boundaries in life with other people or draining situations?


If you answered “yes” to one or more questions, then click here to reserve a time for your discovery consultation.


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By doing this work, there is truly so much that others have experienced in such a variety of ways all leading to a better life. Why? Because it is about diving deeper to learn about who you are, what you are, and how to deeper experience divinity in your life. Even Shakespeare said, “this above all: to thine own self be true…”


When one wants to experience energetic healing for spiritual growth and changes, the potential for change is probably not limited.


To list some of the most common shifts others have enjoyed would be balanced emotional state, clarity around life’s purpose, a life with more meaning and fulfillment, healthier and happier relationships, inner peace and joy, ability to better cope with life challenges with strength and emotional resilience, reduction and stress and anxiety. Please take a look at some of the testimonials listed to see what others have experienced.


Because we don’t know what we don’t know, the discovery consultation is a very important first step to learn more about you, your goals, and how this energetic care may support you in your life.


Click here to reserve a time for your discovery consultation.


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This is a great question sometimes asked. Because this work is designed for self-empowerment through spiritual growth and healing, this type of work is not meant to replace any kind of therapy or health care with any other provider.


Ways in which this work is unique is that it is based on an ancient lineage from over 3000 years and focuses on working with the energies of the human. In most forms of health care, the clinical process is more of a passive process for the patient where the provider who is in charge tells the patient what is good for them. A big difference with this work is its main focus relates to self-empowerment and energetic healing that will create ripple effects throughout your life allowing you to better choose how to live your life differently, more fulfilled and with more joy. Of course any healthcare provider or therapist can be an allied coach in your life. However, your best healing and guidance always come from within and not from someone else or something else outside of you.


Easily, energetic care and spiritual growth can be done synergistically with any other form of health care as one chooses.

Because we don’t know what we don’t know, the discovery consultation is a very important first step to learn more about you, your goals, and how this energetic care may support you in your life.

Click here to reserve a time for your discovery consultation.


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Typically, most people choose to do a consultation with a complimentary discovery phone call. This can last about 45 minutes depending upon the conversation and questions asked. This call is dedicated totally to you, and to learn about your goals and what you are looking to achieve. It’s a great way to find out how this care might be able to help you and how.


We understand that while there are a lot of options available with individual sessions or in a class setting, it might feel overwhelming at first. This work comes from an ancient lineage dating back over 3000 years. Usually most people start with a private session called the “Life Activation.”


What we have found is that having this initial discovery conversation can really help bring clarity to what are the best options for what you want in your life and to help you feel comfortable.


Because we don’t know what we don’t know, the discovery consultation is a very important first step to learn more about you, your goals, and how this energetic care may support you in your life.


Click here to reserve a time for your discovery consultation.

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Learn More or Begin Your Journey

Energetic healing is a powerful practice that focuses on restoring balance and harmony in the body’s energy system. If you’re interested in exploring this and beginning your journey in energetic healing, click the link below.