Energetic Healing
We believe health is more than the absence of physical symptoms. We have found that many physical symptoms correlate with unresolved emotional and mental pain. True health is a state of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. As a result, Dr. Tim Murzycki is also extensively trained as a spiritual guide and energy healer, and is happy to offer a free consultation if you would like to explore this aspect of your healing journey. Because we care about your maximum expression of health and enjoyment of life, Dr. Timothy Murzycki also offers group meditations/classes and individual, one-on-one, energetic healing separately from the Chiropractic care in the office. Even though this works beautifully with the Chiropractic care, we gladly welcome anyone from the community whether or not they are currently under Chiropractic care. Our goal is to assist our community through optimal healing and fullest enjoyment of life. Dr. Timothy Murzycki thrives seeing others’ successes with energetic healing.
Life Activation & Negative Energy Clearing - Private Energy Healing
This energy healing modality is an ancient tool for infusing light to harness your empowerment and healing. Imagine if you were given a map for your life’s purpose. Are you ready for a change?
– Revitalize your physical body
– Tap into more of your innate potential
– Increase your intuition and connect with your divine Higher Self
– Move beyond old/limiting thought patterns
– Greater clarity to make positive changes in life

Empower Thyself
(2-Day Class SAT & SUN)
This 2-day training will help you discover ways to bring more joy in your day. Bring your life and spiritual awareness to completely new summits. Receive powerful and sacred rituals and prayers to work with angels, protect your energy, clear negativity, and to manifest your desires with greater clarity. Learn how to develop a stronger relationship with your divine self. Are you ready to begin removing blockages in your daily life and enjoy more divinity? Your time has come.
(Prerequisite: Life Activation)

Full Spirit Activation
1 hour 30 minutes
The next piece after Life Activation: this powerful session will awaken your spiritual senses with greater connection with your senses to your soul, and enhance intuition to make better choices in your life. If Life Activation gives you the map to your life, this session will give you the GPS for that map.)
Individuals tend to have more vitality & passion in physical existence, have greater joy, unblock channels of self-awareness, and feel more balanced.
Required: Life Activation within 3 months

Shamanic Aura Clearing
1 hour 30 minutes
This ancient healing focuses on clearing the aura to hold more Light. The clearing focuses on blockages from judgments, trauma, as well as mental pollution, toxicity, and opinions from the negative self. By re-establishing the flow of Light, this supports greater peace in body, soul, and mind to aid in progression and healing.
(This gentle healing is open to anyone.)

Hermetic Soul Retrieval
2 hours
Have you experienced some kind of trauma? Did this change make you feel not quite “whole” or are experiencing an emptiness? This soft and gentle healing session comes from an ancient technique that will bring lost or scattered aspects of soul back together after trauma, childhood experiences, shock or emotional distress. With this session’s recalibration, you’ll notice fewer triggers by your environment. You will feel more present in yourself as a whole – mind. body and emotions.

Max Meditation
55 minutes
Guided group meditation led in the reception area of Cornerstone Family Chiropractic.
Let us guide you through deep meditation. The more you regularly practice and utilize meditation in your everyday life, you receive deep insight to make changes in your life. Powerful for all types of healing, and for a deeper connection with Self, and for a quiet mind.
For your path to more joy and healing, come and be guided through 5 components of meditation (40-60 min) while seated.
(Beginners Welcome!)

Learn More
To learn more about these services, or to reserve your space for our next monthly guided meditation in the office, click on the banner below to access the scheduler.